Two weeks ago we went to the annual Strawberry Festival in Ponchatoula Louisiana. It was funny to reminisce about last year when we went and I was waddling around! Anyway, there was a huge crowd for the parade but the children still had a good time. Afterwards we went around to the booths enjoying strawberry EVERYTHING......daiquiris, lemonade,beneights (forgive my lack of French spelling!)...etc. Name it, and it was there!

Crowds waiting for the parade to begin

Paul and I enjoy some cuddle time with the girls while waiting for the festivities to begin

Emma stuffs her mouth with candy thrown from the parade.
The Marines carrying the colors
Throw me something Mister!!

The Strawberry King and Queen
Even the water in the fountains are dyed for the occasion!

Certainly you can't leave the festival without enjoying strawberry shortcake (my personal favorite!) Jake and Paul look like it's good stuff!
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