On the morning of the big day, we ALL went into his room (armed with video camera and still camera) and sang Happy Birthday. As you can see from his furrowed brow, it seems as if he's thinking, "What in the world is wrong with you people! Can't you see I just woke up?!" What a hoot!

We always start off a birthday with a cinnamon roll breakfast. This was his very first. He seems to like the candle, and of course we had to sing again!

Immediately he slaps his hand on it as if to say, "Hands off people...this one's mine!"

After he sucked on his cinnamon roll for a while, I managed to wrestle it away from him (after much screaming) in order to cut it into bite sizes. He ate the entire thing......with no gagging I might add. MMMMmmmm...go figure on that one, huh?

I'm officially a big boy today!
(Cake, ice cream, and presents will follow on Saturday so more pictures to come)
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