Well as people say....life is always full of surprises. After our week at the beach earlier in the summer, the children and I arrived at my mother's house in Georgia to discover that my brother's scheduled leave from Iraq (for late in the summer) had been suddenly cancelled. You can imagine how terribly disappointed we all were, but that's the military and so we dealt with the news, enjoyed our week with Mimi, trip to Nana's house, then Callaway Gardens, and then finally headed back to Memphis. Well.....as we are literally driving into Memphis - not even all the way home yet - I get a call on my cell from my mother's house, and to my great confusion, answer the phone and hear my brother's voice!!! As we all know, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away", but in this case, the Lord taketh away AND THEN giveth!! Wally had been granted his leave, but left Iraq the same day it was granted. He had no idea it was going to happen and in fact it all "went down" so fast, he really didn't have time to let any of us know. He showed up at our mother's house completely unannounced! What an amazing surprise. Luckily he was given two entire weeks, so we were able to spend a week at home getting our ducks in a row and then turn around and head back to Georgia. Can you picture it?? Me - the only adult - three children and dog, NOLA, in tow making the 9+ hour trip!! We had to break it up and spend the night in Montgomery, but we made it and made great memories in the process. And let's face it....there's not much I wouldn't do to get to spend some time with my "baby" brother. Anyway, the pictures below are from our return trip to Mimi's. I bought a slip-n-slide to bring along for the hot days. It sure was fun watching the children re-live a favorite childhood memory of mine.

"Aunt" Wally made a fabulous pass (fully clothed!) to show them how it's "really" done. Look at Jake's expression.
Summer time sure is fun!
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