Thanks to my hard working husband, we were able to rent a house at my favorite beach spot -- Cape San Blas, Florida -- for a week in early June. Just like the last time we went, our trip just happened to correspond with my mother's birthday and we were able to celebrate, in person, with her. It was an incredible week that flew by way too fast. Our only regret was that my brother - overseas in Iraq - was unable to be there with us. Hopefully next time we can truly make it a family affair.

We arrived late on a Sunday afternoon and after unloading, rushed down to enjoy the beach and the gorgeous sunset.
Certainly God's handiwork
Unlike the last time we were here - because Jake was only six weeks old - Jake got right down to business, digging, and digging, and digging. He LOVED every minute of it!
Paul helps show some digging techniques
Look at this view!! The beach remained virtually deserted our entire week. Truly my perfect vacation.
Our gorgeous big girl, Hannah.
Our gorgeous - and sassy! - little girl, Emma. She reminds us SO much of my mother (both looks and personality) that we nicknamed her LJ for "Little Jan"
My precious boy. He showed absolutely no fear of the water. It was so wonderful to watch him explore and thrive. He was in heaven.
A dolphin - look closely! - in the distance. It was actually very close to the shore.
Emma and her partner in crime enjoy the waves splashing around them.
Jake giggles as he runs from the waves.
Mimi and Hannah enjoy their daily morning wave riding. They were talking and solving the problems of the world!
Mimi and LJ spend a moment in the pool.
Look at Emma finally swimming! Way to go!!
Emma and her swimming coach - AKA Daddy - pause for a picture.
Jake enjoys jumping into the pool with Paul.
Way to go, Jake!
Emma agrees to be buried......
Emma regrets to agreeing to be buried!
And of course, on our last day, I insisted on a family photo that everyone grumbled about, but it was so worth it to have us all together. It's such a rare treat!
Me and the most wonderful mother in the world.
I think this is one of my favorites -- look at the happiness in their faces. It's so sweet.
On the way back to Mimi's house in Thomasville, Georgia, we stopped at Angelo's Seafood Restaurant. A favorite place for us to eat. This is a shot of the Apalachicola bridge from our outdoor table. Mom has a picture of Paul and I here when we were still dating, so we recreated it for fun.
Jake enjoying the seagulls while we wait for lunch.
We may be a little older since our first picture here, but look how far we've come. I certainly love Paul even more than that day.
Hannah and Mimi share some sugar.